Using Astrology Compatibility: The Elements
Sharing my own story of how I used astrology to guide and analyze my compatibility with my husband.
First, I want to say every couple has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s through learning about our strengths and weaknesses that we can grow stronger together.
I use myself, my husband, as an example to help guide readers on how they can take similar points and use them to apply them to their relationships.
Pre-cursor: the information below is from my research.
I got a birth chart reading for us separately.
Within our birth chart readings, we analyze the Zodiac sign that rules each planet.
Seeing which Zodiac signs you have a majority within in your birth chart is how we got the Elements ratio below.
Water is my main element, with 39%.
Whereas my husband is Earth-dominated, with 38%.
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the Water signs, the more needful you are for emotional security:
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the Earth signs, the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire signs, the more proactive and self-determining you are.
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air signs, the more proactive and self-determining you are:
Reading birth charts TLDR;
Each of the nine planets, the Sun AND Moon, have a different Zodiac sign ruled by them. The characters are determined based on your date, time, and birth location.
The Sun sign is the one most people know because this is the one based on your actual birth date. Other signs are dependent on other things, idk. You might not be accurate if you base only on your Sun sign when you analyze your compatibility. For example, my Sun sign is Libra based on my October birthday, which makes me an Air sign. My husband’s Sun sign is already an Earth element - Capricorn. So if I had only taken our birthdate, we would not be as complimentary as we are Water and Earth.
So if I’m a Libra(Air) Sun, how did I conclude to be more Water? Birth chart reading is all based on the stars, so idk. Ask an astrologer, but this is as simple as I can make it.
My Birth Chart.
I have a Scorpio Stellium, where a majority of my planets and houses are ruled by Scorpio.
My husband’s Birth Chart.
He has a Capricorn Stellium, 2 particularly in his Sun and inner planet of Mars, + 1 Taurus, all Earth signs.
My Elements
A majority of my planets are in Water Signs. Water signs are separated further out into 3 Modalities: Cardinal(Cancer), Mutable(Pisces), and lastly, my sign is the Fixed Scorpio Water Sign,
This website goes into more details, but since I can’t paraphrase it any better than they can:
Scorpio water is like … a dark swamp; humid and soggy, filled with thorns … with hidden life below its still murky surface. Scorpio's emotions are extreme, dark, deep, and mysterious.
The negative water sign traits can come out as hypersensitive, impressionable, and emotionally needy - which I admit I 200% am. My closest friends and family would dare to agree.
What Water Signs Need
to be loved,
that’s it! Haha!!
My Husband's Elements
A majority of planets in Earth Signs means my husband is down-to-earth (literally :D ), cautious, sensible, and conservative. He’s hard-working because he seeks security through wealth and materials. As an Earth sign, he’s capable of putting into action the ideas and inspirations of other signs. All these manifest good traits I see in him such as being dependable, determined, sensible, and calm.
Negatives could be accumulative, possessive, and overly materialistic, which I can admit, at times, yeah.
What Earth Signs Need
He wants to feel accomplished, productive, and successful,
but often, he finds that he doesn’t know how to let go and enjoy life. Because it just always works, work works.
What an Earth-dominated person like him needs is to balance out all his hard work with harder play ;)
They need Adventures. Laughter. Exploration.
And just genuinely taking time to enjoy life.
When Earth and Water Meets
Earth guides the flow of water,
while Water nourishes the earth.They each hold the other's missing piece.
The Water partner can give unconditional love to their Earth partner - which the Earth partner thrives on.
And in return, the Earth partner provides grounded dependability.
As an Earth and Water pair, we can build a long, intimate, committed, and stable relationship.
We are the complementary elements, like how Air and Fire are complimentary.
But like I said, every relationship has its strengths and weaknesses.
For their connection to work, these two partners need to take a good look at the way the sea hits the land.
At our worst, we become like mud, where Earth can’t understand Water’s intense emotions;
and Water can wear down the Earth by being too demanding.
When I look at our relationship, I agree these are our weaknesses.
I tend to be too demanding and want perfection all the time while my husband is overwhelmed by my emotions.
I’ve reflected on this and am doing inner work to nurture appreciation within our relationship.
I hope that by understanding our strengths and weaknesses in how we work as Earth and Water, we can grow and nurture each other into healthy and balanced relationships.